Fiat24 is the first regulated and licensed Swiss bank that is exclusively built on a public blockchain (Arbitrum). Unlike any other traditional bank, we have completely abandoned servers, with all banking logics run by smart contracts, and our clients being identified via their Fiat24 NFT. You might imagine us as an additional fiat layer for DEXs, such as Uniswap. In fact, clients can not only top-up their Swiss bank accounts via international money transfer, but also by selling their crypto assets. All crypto tokens go through Uniswap before arriving in our treasury, meaning that Uniswap is our liquidity provider. We are directly connected with the Swiss National Bank, European Central Bank, and Visa Payment Network, and all real-world payment data, which is all booked on Arbitrum.
Fiat24 History
accepted into Glo Dollar x Arbitrum DAO 1 year ago.
applied to the Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state