Fight Club is BanklessDAOʻs investment DAO. We aim to democratize web3 investing by allowing our members to participate in early-stage investment syndicates and through our education programs where we train members to become deal scouts and venture analysts. Fight Club is gated by an NFT but any person can earn an NFT by completing bounties.
Fight Club provides public good services to web3 projects with free capital introductions to our network of accredited investors, business development services, and a platform to demonstrate their project to the BanklessDAO community via Demo Days.
Fight Club is applying to Gitcoin grants for funding to continue and start new education programs on venture investing and web3 fundraising, bootstrap our newsletter on early-stage web3 trends, and continue our Demo Days operations.
Fight Club History
applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago of which the application is still in a pending state