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A Web3 DApp for mutual benefits from collective natural healing, with innovative smart contracts for tokenized rewards on the Ethereum blockchain aimed at Global South adoption, starting in Brazil.

FitoResorts is more than a natural healing location for body & mind regeneration. Its is an Web3 glocal Dapp where the communities can benefity muttaualy for the brave actvism of breathing phytoncides colectivelly. The protocol includes a suite of smart contracts taylored to extrac maximum value of the Ethereum blockchain, disposing innovative features from a reimagination of a tokenized cashback ta a P2P community rewards. We think this new innovatives features will lead a massive community adoption troughout Global Sur contries, where we primarelly focus and will be present, starting in Brazil. All the scalabity, privacy, L2 cost effecitive tansacition fees and a Conseul of Security are entire within the Web 3 principles of descentralization, autonomy, permissionless, sensorship resistent and regenerative finance.

FitoResorts History

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