Flipside Grants Stack Dashboard
average score over 1 application evaluations

The goal is to build a dashboard that shows user retention and growth of Grants Stack grant programs.

Flipside Grants Stack Dashboard History

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Documenting and preserving Indigenous wisdom through filmmaking and Web3 for global healing, with an emphasis on mental health and environmental connection. Funds support education and autonomy for Indigenous communities.
Platform for donating a portion of yield from on-chain strategies to fund public goods, including merchandise collaborations with proceeds fully supporting the cause.
Support the Cancer Crisis Response Fund to help expand resources, information, and support for cancer patients and healthcare professionals globally, promoting equitable access to care.
Launched initiative to fund successful community proposals within a DAO, uniting 26 protocols and effectively facilitating consensus-driven change, seeking candidacy for retroactive funding.
Designing an engaging, non-tech card game to simplify crypto/Web3 education, planning community meetups, collaborations with influencers, and sponsoring events to facilitate learning, particularly in Spain, Portugal, Korea, and Vietnam.