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We believe that crypto is in a great era of experimentation for applications and consumer facing products, and that analytics / growth tools are critical to their success.

In the early years, a wave of excitement about blockchain technologies and web3 applications drove a mad rush to capitalize on a new and wide-open market. Since then, web3 has started to mature, the dust has settled, and the speculators and hype-driven projects have gradually fallen to the wayside.

In their place, a wave of web3-native product teams are building in the space to generate meaningful, sustainable growth. In the process, teams are realizing that tried-and-true growth tactics of web2 can’t deliver the same results in web3.

Once users are on-boarded to a product, it’s critical to understand how they interact with it:

  • Who decided to participate, and what drove them?
  • Where in the product are they spending most of their time, and where should they be spending more?
  • Who returned to the product once over a span of a month, and who returned twenty times?
  • At which point in the flow do most users drop off?

Answers to these questions provide data-driven insights into future directions for the product, and how to keep customers happy.

However, most Web2 growth strategies and tools start from the assumption that potential customers are known. Web3 breaks this assumption as the majority of on-chain activity is pseudonymous. We don't know who our users are in web3. Traditional web analytics use cookies, which are largely absent in Web3. This makes it difficult for web3 teams to identify demographics, user journeys, CAC, and conversion rates.

In addition, much of web2 tools are ill-suited to the needs of the companies and projects operating within crypto and web3. Marketing automation and customer engagement solutions like Hubspot and Klaviyo don’t account for on-chain activities and events. Product analytics and attribution platforms like Mixpanel and Amplitude lack blockchain and token data.

We're building a no-code analytics tool that removes the need for blockchain projects to hire an internal data team of SQL engineers that cost $150K+ annually  to produce actionable insights thereby saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars in labor costs and months of development time.

We believe creating this missing infrastructure piece will enable a new wave of web3 apps and services bloom. ENS support gives web3 teams the full picture of their pseudonymous audience.

Learn more at https://formo.so.

Harness web3 forms, wallet intelligence, and onchain journeys to engage and grow your web3 community.

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