Freddy Chambi

$62.61 crowdfunded from 23 people

$599.79 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Initiated an educational movement in blockchain and Web3 within Bolivia, holding Solidity workshops, meetups, and the first Ethereum Bolivia Hackathon to grow the community and develop social projects.

Hello, my name is Freddy Chambi. I am a Devconnect volunteer and also a web3 developer. I am a core member of Ethereum Bolivia, where this year, along with the entire team, we started an education movement in Blockchain and Web3. In my city, Santa Cruz, we conducted Solidity workshops and various meetups, and to wrap up the year, we organized the first Ethereum Bolivia Hackathon. It was a fantastic experience, which is why I decided to become a volunteer at Devconnect to contribute in any way I can and to learn as much as possible. My goal is to continue growing the community and developing impactful social projects.

I believe initiatives like this are a great idea to support volunteers from places like Latin America and Africa. I hope to receive your support and give back to the web3 ecosystem and the community with everything I can and learn.

Freddy Chambi History

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