Frisco d'Anconia

$117.03 crowdfunded from 6 people

$599.79 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
I'm a volunteer heading to Devconnect IST 2023 in Turkey and seeking community support for my travel expenses from Accra. Contributors receive a kente scarf as thanks.

Volunteers are the heartbeat of Devconnect and other Ethereum events, playing an indispensable role in ensuring their resounding success. I take immense pride in being a Devconnect IST 2023 Volunteer. The opportunity to give back to the ecosystem that has enabled me to lead a life of liberty as a Crypto Nomad is profoundly fulfilling. I'm eagerly looking forward to being in Turkey and actively contributing to this year's event as a dedicated volunteer.

However, embarking on this journey requires your support. To cover the costs of my round-trip airfare from Accra to Istanbul and back, I humbly seek the assistance of our community. As the saying goes, "Little drops of water make a mighty ocean." Your generous contributions, no matter how small, can make a significant difference.

As a token of my appreciation, anyone who supports my campaign will receive a beautifully crafted traditional kente scarf adorned with the inscription "Devconnect IST 2023."

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey and for helping make Devconnect IST 2023 an unforgettable experience. Your support means the world to me! 🌍🙏 #CryptoNomad #DevconnectIST2023 #SupportOurVolunteers

Frisco d'Anconia History

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