FunBlocks is a media platform that focuses on the latest developments in blockchain gaming, with a special emphasis on the field of fully on-chain games. It aims to become a bridge between the Chinese and Western communities of on-chain games.
FunBlocks was established in December 2022 and has not yet started commercial operations. It hopes to sustain its project through community donations. We plan to use the funds we receive to develop an independent website, which will better summarize the latest developments in the field of fully on-chain games, make it easier for players to keep track of the latest updates of the projects, and become a comprehensive information retrieval platform for the field of fully on-chain games.
FunBlocks是一家聚焦区块链游戏最新发展动态的媒体,重点关注全链游戏(Fully On-Chain Game)领域的最新进展,并成为沟通中西方全链游戏社区的桥梁。
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FunBlocks History
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.