$4,633.96 crowdfunded from 438 people
$4,991.59 received from matching pools
FusionX Finance is a decentralized exchange built on the Mantle Network, which is known for its emphasis on transparency, composability, and lightning-fast transaction speeds. As a native DEX on Mantle Network, FusionX Finance allows users to trade cryptocurrencies in a trustless and permissionless environment, meaning users have full control over their funds and can trade without relying on intermediaries. With a focus on transparency, users can see all transactions happening on the network in real-time, while composability allows developers to build custom integrations with FusionX Finance, making it a versatile and flexible platform. Additionally, the Mantle Network’s lightning-fast transaction speeds ensure that trades are executed quickly and efficiently, providing users with a seamless trading experience.
FusionX History
accepted into Mantle Grants 1 1 year ago. 438 people contributed $4,634 to the project, and $4,992 of match funding was provided.