Gaslite is a company devoted to 1 thing and 1 thing only, Gas Optimization.
Our goal is to help protocols build a more efficient onchain experience.
Gaslite Core ( is a MIT licensed fully open source repository of hyper optimized and easy to use every day building blocks for developers. From ERC20 tokens to NFTs to vesting contracts to Bytecode20 (the world's most optimized ERC20 base), gaslite-core can help developers go from 0 to 1 in the most efficient manner.
Gaslite Drop ( is the most efficient way to airdrop ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155, and Native Network Tokens.
Gaslite Drop is 100% free to use and has facilitated over 4 million individual transfers since deployment in August 2023.
Recently, we've seen a MASSIVE uptick in activity on Base, and our application has facilitated over 3.5 million individual ERC20 transfers there:
Gaslite Drop has quickly become the most widely used option for distributing assets to communities.
Gaslite History
accepted into Developer Tooling and Libraries 11 months ago.