GLHF = Global Learning Hackathon Fund, also means "Good Luck, Have Fun" in popular gaming term. We're sending students from Taiwan to international hackathons for free ✈️🏨👨💻🍙
We want to achieve 3 things:
- Exposure: to the global tech scene, talent, and atmosphere
- Mentorship: having high integrity, value-aligned mentors is critical for student character growth
- Dream Big: we want to students to be inspired for their future career possibilities
The core value of this program is #GivingBack, here's how it works in 3 components:
- Donors: We set up a multi-sig for donors from any background to donate funds to support
- Mentors/Council: we set up an extremely experience council to review and mentor selected students
- Students: compete in global hackathons and donate portion of their winning prizes back for the next generation if they win.
Everyone needs to #GiveBack for this program to work. Donors give back in funds, Mentors give back in their experience/time/knowledge, students give back in their partial winning prize to continue the positive feedback loop that we hope is long term sustainable and impactful 🔁
This program is initiated by the following group each bringing unique background and experience with a dedicated role and commitment for the program.
Jacky Wang - BuZhiDAO/Taipei Blockchain Week
Vivian Chen - Pagoda/Zulandia/Da0/Funding the commons Taipei/Plurality Taipei/Girls in Tech Director
Changwu Chen - Early Ethereum Taiwan Team, ETH Taipei co-organizer, Taipei Ethereum Meetup co-organizer, Blockchain Lecturer at 政大 NCCU
Martinet Lee - Head of Developer Relations / Senior Security Auditor Quantstamp / ETHTaipei co-organizer / Current blockchain Lecturer at 交大 NYCU
Astro Hsu- no1 web3 podcast host in Taiwan
XueDAO: Student DAO from Taiwan, host of students only hackathon
GLHF for Taiwan Students - Global Learning Hackathon Fund / Good Luck Have Fun History
accepted into Asia Round 7 months ago.