Assuming AI personalised tutor and universal access to internet through StarLink.
Originally posted on the Metacrisis forum, preserved Web Archive version:
Teaching English can be seen as "imperialistic neocolonialism", that's why other local languages might be more practical to learn. Front-facing camera reading micro-expressions: kind of obvious. 12 billion (some large number) of Android devices manufactured till this date, many of them are totally usable, especially with operating system optimised for education and access to public services.
Even if StarLink does not make it available to access directly on the device, a "hub per village" approach is already a massive step forward. But again: imperialistic neocolonialism, this is me writing from privileged 1st world perspective but I have awareness how access to the internet, education, healthcare, communication, doing business can improve the livelihoods arounds the world.
So when designing education system for the post-AI world: what should be on the agenda? Open-source, transparent, collaborative from the start.
Collaborative effort
All projects in this round are under the umbrella of the Planetary Council. Too many of them 🙈 Need to focus, need to prioritise, that’s why dedicated round acting as community vote. We also welcome (more than welcome) potential supporters and collaborators
Starting a project (hackathon or otherwise) is just a first step on the journey. Some people are better with starting multiple projects (connectedness, finding gaps in the market) some people are better as BUSINESS OPERATORS who enjoy single minded focus. If you are one of these people: please join the effort 🙏
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Global education curriculum History
accepted into Planetary Council: community signal 🌱 5 months ago.