
$1,413.14 crowdfunded from 32 people

$143.49 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Sybil-resistant, token-based polling application for Discord, enhancing DAO voting participation and authenticity within communities, seeking funding to accelerate development and onboarding.


Governator enables sybil-resistant, token-enabled voting directly through Discord Vote on polls with a single emoji reaction and use all your tokens!

The Problem

  • Governance can make or break a DAO’s culture.
  • When it’s hard to vote, people don’t vote.
  • When people feel like their vote won’t impact the result, they don’t vote.
  • When people see the same results repeated over and over, they stop voting.

The Solution

Roadmap image

Governator allows for quick, token enabled voting within Discord - improving voter turnout and authenticity. When ease and anonymity are built into the voting process, people are motivated to show up and make their voices heard. Easily set up and initiate token gated polls and collect anonymous votes. Retain voting history and discussion within Discord channels.

In short: one-click token voting through Discord!.

What we’ve been up to

We've been working for the past year to create the beta application and we've succeeded! The first cohort of DAOs are currently voting with Governator - special shoutout to BanklessDAO for their adoption!

Though we are still in the beta testing phase, we're happy to demo and onboard select communities before we release to the public.

We're currently redesigning the application and working hard to allow for any community to install and use.

What we want to do!

Roadmap image

Long-term there is so much we want to do!

  • Vote from any integration (Discourse, Email, Community Websites, and more!)
  • Vote in all your communities from one aggregated dashboard
  • Use quadratic voting and other exotic voting methods
  • Create Voting Strategies without any code
  • Use NFT and Role enabled voting
  • Run polls on schedules
  • Triggering actions on chain due to poll results
  • Triggering actions across platforms due to poll results
  • Trustless collection and calculation of voting – using ZKP to prove the validity of a poll & its results without revealing participants
  • Becoming a cross DAO/Game/protocol governance dashboard

Why Gitcoin and how we will use the funding

As a DAO tool designed to support community engagement, Gitcoin is the clear place to gain support with DAO voters across all communities. This tool is for you!

So far, we have funding for a minimum level of development through August of this year, but we want to do more and to move faster!

Every $2500 extends our runway and for the features we have on our road map by one full month (lean and mean)

For Funds over $30,000 (about 1 year of runway) we will begin to add resources and accelerate our plans

  • Priority 1 – Increase Front end and back-end developer time by 2X ($1500 a month)
  • Priority 2 – Increase Marketing spend and onboarding ($1000 a month)
  • Priority 3 – Additional product design and user support ($1000 a month)
  • Priority 4 – There is a lot to do, all areas need resources to scale our activity

Additional Links

Website Discord Notion Team Page Support Center

Governator History

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