average score over 3 application evaluations
Developing a web3 tool similar to Groove Scribe for drummers to create, share, and own drum patterns with features like IPFS storage, custom drumkits, MIDI/OSC interfaces, NFT minting, and YouTube integration.


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Developing NeuroFusion, a transparent platform to simplify EEG data analysis for amateurs, with mobile/browser apps for creating, conducting, and analyzing cognitive and wellness-related studies.
Helios, an open-source platform, combines web3 and traditional investment for solar projects in emerging markets, offering high yields and carbon offset with short lockup periods and high impact transparency.
Introducing Soulcial, a Web3 platform that redefines social value with a new indicator, the Soulcial Behavior Trait Indicator (SBTI), to measure and reward engagement for content creators and consumers.
Developing a digital interface to facilitate regenerative community initiatives through web3 and land stewardship, aiming to transform ownership into stewardship for ecological and social betterment.
Artists' cooperative deploying their own minting platform, UI, and DAO, automating revenue and investment distribution to foster collaboration and mutual support within artist communities.