Since July 2023, using the power of Hypercerts, we have been developing a new platform that allows creative individuals to share their Public Good ideas, receive Retroactive Public Good Funding, and increase the chances of bringing their ideas to life.
A new platform with the aim of unleashing human creativity for public goods through collective thinking and hypercert-powered innovation.
How it works Hyperchange projects follow a 3-step journey: Intuition, Deep Dream, Buidl. Each step may involve different individuals.
Intuition The project is sparked by a single dreamer or collective brainstorming, igniting the initial idea.
Deep Dream A fellowship of dreamers collaboratively defines goals, rules, and tools under the guidance of a project leader. Hypercerts are minted, and the fellowship builds in public upon the initial intuition, following a roadmap. This phase concludes with a final public report, and fellowship members are retroactively awarded through hypercerts sale.
Buidl A development team assembles to bring the vision to life, leveraging the knowledge and collective awareness generated in previous steps. Hypercerts are used for proactive funding.
Hyperchange initiated a phase 1 testing with 3 teams that focused on 3 different subjects. Running the first 3 teams highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the project, allowing to gather very valuable insights that guided the design of phase 2 of the testing.
✔️Launched the website www.hyperchange.xyz
✔️Launched the X account
✔️Established the first 3 fellowships:
Solarpunk Sailing (4 team members)
Working on the concept of Solarpunk Sailing and testing non Web3 natives participants
Solarpunk Safe Places (5 team members) Working on the expansive project of climate safe places for the project Solarpunk Nomads and testing building in public
G AI A chatbot (5 team members) Working on an LLM to facilitate the retrieval of Solarpunk knowledge and testing speed building of a project.
Each of the fellowships offered valuable information and the G AI A team, together with Solarpunk Nomads, helped to bring online the version 1 of the product.
✔️Minted the first 3 hypercerts that close phase one of the pilot.
🔜 Complete the work of the first 3 fellowships
🔜 Test a new, more flexible, and faster model of engagement for the fellowship members
🔜 Include 3 more projects in the testing phase
🔜 Test the use of hypercerts in involving more people in Build in Public sessions
🔜 Introduce both on-chain and off-chain fundraising to the Hyperchange Platform
Fund raised in GG20 will be used as follows:
50% will be used to reward the 10 members that contributed to the Pilot Phase 1, following the % defined on the hypercerts
50% will be used to leverage the engagement of the new fellowships and to involve more contributors
🌍 Earthbasedsoul: wildlife biologist and visionary changemaker. Founder of Hyperchange.xyz, Cofounder at Solarpunk Nomads, passionate about sailing, mushroom foraging and baking pizza.
accepted into Hypercerts Ecosystem Round 11 months ago.