Countless promising projects perish in the perilous gap between early technical innovation and productization, a chasm often referred to as the 'valley of death.' Typically, the hefty risk of failure falls on the shoulders of small teams of innovators who must self-fund or chase after grants just to gain initial traction. The inability for contributors and potential funders to ensure a vested interest in a project’s success often deters contributors and potential funders, who might otherwise jump at the opportunity to support such ventures.
Hyperstaker is set to change the game, by programatically closing the loop and ensuring that early supporters are rewarded, while super charging public goods projects ability to bootstrap and create value. We see it as the crucial missing link in the public goods funding ecosystem, which will unleash the true power of hypercerts by acknowledging and rewarding the invaluable early contributions of supporters and contributors.
Hyperstaker History
accepted into Hypercerts Ecosystem Round 10 months ago.
accepted into dApps & Apps 10 months ago.