$94.57 crowdfunded from 88 people
$123.18 received from matching pools
We are building a better, fairer investing system, powered by web3.
We are an ‘idea to trade’ workflow, for creators to prove performance and monetize their investment strategies, and for investors to automate application to any account.
99% of creators today cannot monetize their investing expertise. We’ve figured out how to make the monetization model work for creators, so anyone can make money from their investing expertise outside of Wall Street.
We open up a new market for creators to earn independently. With our tools, a significant number of creators can be earning between $500k to $2million a year. And the Mr. Beasts of Investing, with 1 million subscribers could be earning $8 million a month.
If we can make it that easy for investors to follow investment strategies from proven creators and automate application to any account, anywhere, for a fixed subscription price, why would they need traditional managed investing solutions and to pay management and performance fees?
If you were to build the tools for a new, fairer investing system, open to anyone, this is what they would be. Our software can go beyond creators and reshape how people manage their money entirely. We cover all securities, as well as crypto, so have a use case that can drive mainstream web3 adoption.
IXily History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 88 people contributed $95 to the project, and $123 of match funding was provided.