Kleo Network
average score over 2 application evaluations
Kleo Network

So far we are 100 percent supported by grants and hackathons.

Kleo is an open source platform to build data identity - we use your data from web2 platforms as well as browsing history to build your data identity in form of pretty cards. You can choose to publish specific cards.

Once published these are encrypted (signed) with your private key and minted as a NFT. Every 24 hours there are more fresh cards to associate with your identity based on your data consumption. We use LLM APIs to make these cards more interesting.

This is your data identity. Your access card to other exclusive web3 groups and communities. Keep publishing cards, Keep owning cards, Keep minting them as NFTs!

How to preserve your identity, your story?

  1. Sign up now on https://www.kleo.network/
  2. Mint your data identity
  3. Share your data identity on Twitter
  4. If you liked your identity, please contribute here.
  5. Come back and mint more cards.

Video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45e55tiLpbU (50 seconds)

Pitch Deck - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oyHyQL-l7q9aFkH7hVqhPwkPH5Xa7rVv/view?usp=sharing

Reach out to us on discord https://discord.gg/rgbUSb83S8 if you have any trouble signing up on Kleo. We are available 24x7.

Kleo Network History

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