KNS Domains

$46.31 crowdfunded from 11 people

$1,003.06 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
KNS domains on Polygon integrate web3 and carbon offsetting, enabling users to showcase carbon neutrality through minting domains that retire carbon credits and stake KLIMA tokens.


KNS domains, hosted on the Polygon blockchain, is revolutionizing the way corporations, individuals, and institutions engage with carbon offsetting and sustainability. By combining web3 domain functionality with robust carbon-offsetting mechanisms, KNS is creating a seamless interface for social representation of carbon neutrality and corporate responsibility. This extended vision includes new initiatives focused on corporate sustainability, technological innovation, and international collaboration.

How it Works:

KNS currently uses BCT (Base carbon tonnes), which are Verra-certified digital carbon credits (renewable energy) for offsetting through KlimaDAO's retirement aggregator. When a user mints a KNS, a portion of that is used to immediately retire BCT to become climate positive. Another portion is used to buy and stake the KLIMA token, and then committed to a contract that redirects 1/3 of the rebases to purchasing and offsetting BCT permanently. This enables the KNS to be carbon backed using the underlying carbon assets backing the KLIMA token and also a continuous offsetting tool.

KNS's carbon offsetting capabilities are further amplified through these strategic components:

  • Corporate Social Representation: Using KNS domains, corporations can highlight their carbon retirements and offsets, aligning with ESRS principles and creating a transparent and verifiable sustainability profile.
  • Sustainability Tracking: KNS offers advanced tracking solutions, quantifying and qualifying sustainability efforts, enhancing global alignment, and supporting the future of eco-conscious business practices.
  • Continuous Offsetting: KNS continues to employ mechanisms that ensure ongoing retirement of BCT, backed by KLIMA tokens, reinforcing its commitment to a climate-positive world.

These combined features elevate KNS's capacity to address critical sustainability challenges, enhance transparency, and foster a cooperative environment for all stakeholders in the pursuit of global climate goals. Whether it's a corporation displaying its commitment to reducing carbon footprints or an individual participating in global climate initiatives, KNS facilitates the connection between sustainability, technology, and social engagement.

Other Features:

Love letter to the planet: Preserving the original emotional connection to environmental stewardship, KNS allows users to immortalize their commitment to the planet.

Referrals: Referral incentives remain, fostering community growth.

Enterprise Adoption and Compliance: New & Enhanced:

  • Climate Impact Reporting: In response to CSRD legislation, KNS will provide integrated solutions for institutions to report, manage, and enhance their climate impact strategies.
  • Tracking Compliance and Technological Improvements: KNS introduces tools for compliance monitoring, technological innovation tracking, and alignment with international standards and regulations.
  • Business Integration: KNS will facilitate the integration of businesses of all sizes into a sustainable framework, empowering them to contribute to global climate goals.

About Team:

No changes to the core team, but with an increased emphasis on leveraging industry expertise and collaboration, KNS aims to build a community of innovators, partners, and advocates.

Previous Grant:

The experience from the previous grant serves as a foundation for responsible management, leading to better negotiation strategies, a more transparent working model, and an efficient system to guarantee work delivery.

How the Grant Will Be Used:

Major Changes & Expansions:

  • Continued Development and Innovation: Focus on enterprise solutions, technological advancement, sustainable growth, and alignment with international regulations and standards.
  • Onboarding of Expertise: Engaging smart contract engineers and industry specialists to facilitate KNS's new initiatives.
  • Transition to IntoCarbon Brand: This rebranding signals KNS's evolution and commitment to a broader climate action mandate.


  • New Landing Page & Dapp Rebranding: 2-6 weeks.
  • Enhanced Social Presence: 8 weeks.
  • Enterprise Solutions Development: Rolling out over the coming months.
  • Engagement with Global Partners and Innovators: New Target - Ongoing collaborations to support KNS's international vision.


KNS's transformation from a carbon-offsetting tool to a comprehensive platform for corporate sustainability, compliance, and climate-positive actions is at the core of its new vision. The extended functionalities, international alignment, and focus on innovation reflect KNS's dedication to being a leader in climate action, making it an ideal candidate for grant support.

Some useful links:

KNS Domains History

  • applied to the Climate Round 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 11 people contributed $46 to the project, and $1,003 of match funding was provided.

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