average score over 1 application evaluations
Kromatika enhances Uniswap and Arbitrum ecosystems by introducing Fees Earning Limit Orders (FELO) and gasless swaps, optimizing liquidity, reducing fees, and increasing user engagement and pool volume.

Description About

Kromatika is an innovative METADEX aggregator of aggregators and has introduced a novel approach to Limit Orders placed on UniswapV3, called Fees Earning Limit Orders (yet to be matched by any protocol). Moreover, Kromatika has released the first Gasless feature on Arbitrum, by introducing Gasless Swaps, which utilize the "aggregator of aggregators" in its entirety.

By using UniV3 liquidity and Keeper smart contracts, we automate limit trades, eliminating price slippage, BOT attacks and swap fees.

To date, using this innovative tech, this has been the results on Arbitrum:

19M$ in limit orders have been made on Arbitrum alone

Average FELO size on Arbitrum is $8,398/order

Between 1 & 9% LP fees on top of their trades

More than 2200 FELO’s placed on Arbitrum

More than 857 unique users

It boasts an impressive market fit with 70% of new users becoming returning users!

The MetaDex Aggregator is an "aggregator of aggregators" searching for the deepest liquidity pools with lowest slippage to provide the best instant swap rates to users.

Without any VCs/ICO rounds, Kromatika is organically growing, expanding its suite of products.

Additional Information

Application detail

Kromatika seeks to boost user engagement and awareness in the Uniswap-Arbitrum ecosystem through custom campaign which consists of growth and development segment (more below). It aims to onboard users to Uniswap Arbitrum through our cutting edge product FELO and gasless swaps, increase Uniswap usage on Arbitrum by introducing free gasless swaps campaign and reward FELO users (Arbitrum only). Our previous experience with such campaigns have proved to be a major success.

To further grow and expand the Arbitrum and Uniswap ecosystems, we are requesting development funds to re-engineer the FELO smart contracts, allowing the acceptance of ETH, ARB, other major altcoins, and stablecoins, in addition to native token $KROM. Additionally, part of the funds will be used to improve the UI/UX of the Kromatika dApp, enabling us to onboard and retain more users from other chains and ecosystems. We believe our unique value offering will enhance the usage of the Arbitrum network and increase Uniswap volumes.

How will you use these funds? Please make a detailed plan for expenditures.

Growth: Introduce free gasless swaps

Reward FELO users


Re-engineer FELO smart contracts in order to enable ETH/ARB/Stables as collateral for upkeep operation

Introduce new and superior Kromatika UI for better user experience

Which RFP is this project covering?

Uniswap on Arbitrum Ecosystem tools or products

How do you think this project fits in with Uniswap?

Uniswap will benefit through:

Increased pool volume, through free gasless swaps

Increased number of users

Increased number of liquidity providers (through FELO)

Increase of recurrent users

Increased number of fees earned, through pool fees

Growth and improvement of Uniswaps feature ecosystem

What benefits will this project bring to Uniswap in the Arbitrum ecosystem?

The same benefits apply to Arbitrum aswell, as the usage of Kromatika will translate into more users, activity, volume and fees earned for Arbitrum sequencer.

Is this project open-source? (If yes, share the repository link).

Yes, entirely.


Who are the members of the team?

McFred Full Stack Developer and BsC in Computer Engineering and Software development, has actively contributed in development, deployment, maintenance and overall delivery of core protocol features - FELO, Aggregated Swaps, Gasless Swaps, Perpetual Trading, Swapbox and Optimism Airdrop for FELO users. McFred was also part of projects which are in the fields of RWA (Asset Tokenization), Self Sovereign Idenities, ETH-Lightning Network integration and extensive experience in web2.

El Fuerte - Full Stack Developer with extensive web3 and web2 experience, who has contributed to the development and maintenance of Kromatika features. He has worked on projects deployed on multiple EVM-compatible chains, Bitcoin L1 & L2 and Cardano projects. DeFi maxi.

Johnny Goodpick - Bachelor in computer science and engineering, been software architect for 5 years. Web3 and Solidity engineer. Problem solver. Has been building ambitious and innovative Web3 project involving a large stack of next-gen programming languages/framework for the last years.

Yosemite Sam - Full stack software developer, who has been part of the software development world for 8+ years, while contributing to crypto for 5 years now. He was team leader and lead developer for ETH-to-Lightning network project. End-to-end developer & front end specialist. Contributed to Kromatika’s dapp and website front-ends.

Crypto Insider - French Business Analyst from the finance environment. Handles the entire Project Management of Kromatika and is the liaise between the Devs and the rest of the team.

Dannyo - Crypto enthusiast for over 10 years now. Involved in DeFi and project-growth for furth er crypto-adoption. An integral part of the marketing team and community manager at Kromatika.

Frtlitl1z - Financial business consultant that fell into the rabbit hole of DeFi and NFT's. Helps with creation of Pitch Deck, videos and certain visuals.

DeFI Saint - Researcher/Writer, who has been in Crypto since 2020 and have been writing to spread the good works of the saints. Founder Layer 2 M and Modular Enthusiast

Jb is a former data analyst specializing in webtracking/customer journey matters. He has been applying these skills to web3.0 and on-chain data analytics since his discovery of cryptos in 2019.

In parallel, he works in sales/marketing for innovative startups.

What are the Project Milestones? (Be very specific and write a roadmap highlighting critical deliverables of the project; mention how you will ensure to supervise and track them).

We suggest several milestones:

Introduction of free gasless swaps campaign

Community Incentives for FELO users (once the sufficient number for reward/order is met)


Introduction of new UI

Reengineering of FELO smart contracts

How do you plan to reach these milestones? (Explain the project feasibility).

The Uniswap & Arbitrum Growth Accelerator aims to significantly enhance both ecosystems by driving meaningful and measurable user engagement through innovative features such as Fees Earning Limit Orders (FELO), which is currently unique to Kromatika. Additionally, the Arbitrum and Uniswap ecosystems will benefit from an exceptional and user-friendly interface aka Kromatika dApp. By eliminating entry barriers like gas fees, we believe we offer a strong value proposition to attract users from other ecosystems and chains to try Kromatika on Arbitrum and become part of the broader Uniswap ecosystem.

Kromatika has a proven track record of exceptional user retention, with about 70% of first-time users returning. Our features are battle-tested and secure, with all necessary audits completed. By implementing our growth strategies, Kromatika will become even more compelling for users, adding to existing benefits such as avoiding slippage, preventing front-running bot attacks, earning additional LP fees on FELOs, and using aggregated swaps for free. It's worth noting that UmamiDAO has been using Kromatika's FELO feature for treasury management since 2022 switching over from SushiSwap because Kromatika's FELOs helped free a lot of their liquidity benefiting from FELO's unique advantages.

Overall, we believe this proposal will help grow and enhance the value proposition of both Uniswap and Arbitrum, driving increased user engagement, activity, and volume in these ecosystems.

Kromatika History

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