L2 en Español

$72.33 crowdfunded from 7 people

$284.80 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
An open community focused on educating and promoting the adoption of Ethereum's Layer 2 scaling solutions, targeting both developers and newcomers through free workshops, publications, and collaborative initiatives.

L2 en Español is an open community that aims to research, educate and drive the adoption in all these Ethereum's scaling solutions. We focus on both developers and new users in their quest to stay up to date with these technologies and their utility. We create content and carry out different activities from publications to workshops for free, while supporting the different projects that innovate in this space, while maintaining also its core neutrality.

We remain aligned with the Ethereum ecosystem and take a neutral but collaborative role to attract more builders and users into the whole Layer 2 ecosystem. This implies that we invest effort in:

  • Promote workshop series
  • Publish quality articles
  • Create educational and research products such as books and interactive libraries
  • Engage with interviews and community calls
  • Help in community initiatives for spanish-speakers
  • Join forces with official and unofficial Layer 2 communities
  • Provide translations
  • Collaborate in governance

Check our workshops and video content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4BDqZbJ9Ge9mTsMsvEPAqA

Read our articles: https://www.mirror.xyz/layer2es.eth/

Community links: https://linktr.ee/layer2es

L2 en Español History

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