Lakat ๐Ÿ“œ
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Lakat is developing a decentralized academic publishing platform leveraging Ethereum, continuous integration, and a proof-of-review consensus, with a Rust client and Mediawiki extension in development.

An open and permissionless architecture for continuous integration academic publishing

Lakat is a base layer for a publishing system that promotes collaboration, pluralism, and permissionless participation. Lakat supports continuous integration of scientific research across multiple branches through a proof-of-review consensus mechanism. It integrates with the Ethereum ecosystem in several ways: Storage, tokens and proofs. The storage of content will be anchored in Ethereum through the ceramic protocol. Each branch has an option to interact with a branch token whose utility emerges from the usages within a branch. Proofs of data submission will be deployed as contracts on Starknet, a zk-rollup over Ethereum. Lakat's architecture allows for the necessary flexibility to grow and to allow for the integration of existing reputation systems and incentive structures or facilitate the development of new ones.


Please read more about the protocol on the page. We are a growing team of people enthusiastic about descentralized science. Our development currently focusses on building a client in Rust and an extension for mediawiki (see our github repositories). Our main code contributors are: @leomarlo, @Tconomist, @mkourehp and @kuzmaka (github handles). Please get in touch if you would like to join.


  • [x] Protocol Technical Specification (see the whitepaper).
  • [ ] Develop a Rust client that implements the specification (i.e. the traits in Rust-speak)
    • [ ] Creation of a Branch.
    • [ ] Storage of the Branch Data on the ceramic network.
    • [ ] Proof-of-Review Consensus mechanism (See whitepaper).
    • [ ] Integration of Branch Tokens.
  • [ ] Development of a Gateway to Lakat through a (see mediawiki extension).
  • [ ] Test the flow with researchers from the field of Statistical Physics.
  • [ ] Release Rust client.

The development of the Rust client will take place in Q4 of 2023 and Q1 of 2024. The gateway is planned to be developed in Q1 and Q2 of 2024. Testing is done continuously, but field tests with academics will be in Q2 of 2024. We plan to release the Rust client in the beginning of Q3 of 2024.


Find us on X (twitter): Lakat

Contact us via e-mail: lakat.scienceโœ‰

Checkout our Repositories: Lakat-Os Repositories

Lakat ๐Ÿ“œ History

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