
$1,384.86 crowdfunded from 222 people

$1,998.75 received from matching pools

average score over 2 application evaluations
LensTags: A social platform for curating, organizing, and sharing online resources, providing a decentralized knowledge hub free from ads and bias.


LensTags is a platform that allows you to collect, organize, and share your favorite online resources with a community of people. Think of it like a social network for your saved content.

We must consider the importance of freely and openly accessible content and what is often missing are platforms which make this content accessible to learners and end users, especially those who are less literate.

Our vision is to be the ‘front door’ for public and decentralized knowledge – a trusted and reliable ‘first port of call’ for connected learning, and one that does not rely on advertising/data mining. Join in on the fun on our Discord Demo Docs


  • Information overload and disorganization - it's hard to keep track of important resources.
  • Scattered and disorganized content
  • Lack of curated high-quality information. Users have a hard time finding accurate and verified content in an organic way.
  • Centralization - No ownership
  • Echo chamber - Algorithms - Bias
  • Bookmarking solutions --> siloed experience

Cool Features

LensTags allows the user to save, organize and discover content. In order to access the functionalities of our platform you must have a Lens user. It should be noted that the creation of users in Lens Protocol is still closed and is slowly being opened to the public. Those who have a Lens account will be able to log in by connecting with their wallet.

Although we're still in day -1 and continuously working and improving, with LensTags you will have the ability to:

  • Explore a curated feed: a community-driven curation system sets our dApp apart from traditional information management tools, and is a vital component in making our platform a go-to option for social discovery of resources across the web.

  • Create Lists: a core feature within LensTags, they provide users with a way to organize and categorize their collections. This allows people to easily view and interact with specific groups of content, rather than having to scroll through their wallet.

  • Discover and use Tags: When a user posts a publication they will be able to add Tags to it. When exploring through the feed people can filter the posts selecting the tags of their interest. Stay up to date with what you are interested in by filtering by Tags!

  • Read from verified curators: Users with certain expertise in a particular topic will have a custom 'Badge' as proof of their knowledge and reliability (Advocates, team members of a project , etc).

  • Public space: With just one click, you can create a public link to share them with the entire web. Anyone with the link (no sign-up necessary) will be able to view your wall but not make changes to it.

  • Extension: LensTags can be utilized in your preferred browser through our browser extension, allowing you to collect items with ease.

Built With

LensTags History

  • applied to the Web3 Community and Education 1 year ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 222 people contributed $1,385 to the project, and $1,999 of match funding was provided.

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