Meets Web3 - Crowdsourced Clinical Trials, Inverse Quadratic Funding, and You!

$401.91 crowdfunded from 22 people

$3,032.16 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Developing a Web3-based longevity research crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platform, utilizing blockchain for matched funding, DeSci crowdsourced clinical trials, and aging biomarkers.

Powering Up DeSci & Longevity Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing With Blockchain Technology

Launched in 2015: has become the most-trafficked news, advocacy, and crowdfunding platform dedicated to longevity research in the world - producing thousands of articles, reaching tens of millions with top-tier video projects, and raising > $800,000 for carefully selected, high-impact research projects.

With your help we are transforming to use Web3 architecture to go so much further β€” implementing new models of matched crowdfunding and decentralized games specifically designed to engage millions, run first-in-kind DeSci crowdsourced clinical trials, and create machine-learning based biomarkers of aging which can both accelerate the entire field of aging research and also pave the way for exciting applications in the coming future of metaverses.

New For Gitcoin Beta Round!

Thanks to your contributions in GR15 we already have aging research-focused NFT projects ready to launch, prototypes for matched crowdfunding and decentralized clinical trials in development, and allies ready to help us - such as VitaDAO, LongevityDAO, CureDAO, and the team right here at Gitcoin β€” all we need is additional support to launch the cascade - and that is where you come in!

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How Your Support Can Help Us Drive Forward Healthy Human Longevity

Your support will allow us to bring on the team we need to implement a new form of blockchain-facilitated crowdfunding - similar in nature to the quadratic funding used here on Gitcoin, but which is geared to raising a large-scale level of support for a single targeted project, both in terms of funding and number of individuals supporting it.

Once implemented, this mechanism will couple perfectly with’s existing social media reach and massive YouTube channels to simultaneously raise funds for important research projects and build the architecture we will need to facilitate first-in-kind crowdsourced clinical trials which make use of physiological biomarkers. In this video president Keith Comito explains the value of this:

Watch the video below IMAGE ALT TEXT

The demonstration of a decentralized clinical trial which yields any positive result, such as remediation of dementia, for example, would be an earthquake to the existing clinical trials system, catalyzing a much-needed transformation towards properly leveraging modern technology. Together we can make it happen.

Web3 technologies we are creating, such as "BioAvatars" can also mobilize the users of decentralized games, as described in the following videos:

Watch the video below IMAGE ALT TEXT

Watch the video below IMAGE ALT TEXT

Cryptocurrency and Life Extension Have Always Been United

Ever since the birth of blockchain technology, there has been an indelible connection between it and the desire for life extension β€” all the way back to the early cypherpunks and cryptocurrency founders such as Hal Finney, forward to the pioneers of the present such as Vitalik Buterin. You can be part of this grand tradition of transcending boundaries - be they financial or biological - in the service of all humankind.

Every second someone dies of age-related disease. This means if your support moves the timetable of curing these diseases up by even one second, you will have saved someone's life. We appreciate your reading this, and for considering contributing to such an important cause as this.

Thank You! Meets Web3 - Crowdsourced Clinical Trials, Inverse Quadratic Funding, and You! History

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