Liker Land
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Web3 bookstore using NFTs to enable writers to monetize content and engage with a dedicated audience, revolutionizing publishing with a new economic model.

Liker Land is the next generation of Web3 bookstore. Connecting writers and their audience through Writing NFTs, empowering writers to monetize their content and build a loyal community.

Writers can publish blogs, novels or books from any platforms as NFTs. Readers able to support the authors and own the content they like.

We believe that NFT native content will drive the future of publishing. Writers and readers can own their authorship, readership, and social graph. Interact under a more open royalties structure, co-create new content, and uphold a more endurable and scaleable creator economy.

Join us on a journey through the future of publishing, where imagination knows no bounds and creativity is king.

Liker Land History

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