LunCo Representation in the USA
average score over 11 application evaluations

Representation and supportive services for LunCo project initiatives across the United States

LunCo Representation in the USA History

People donating to LunCo Representation in the USA, also donated to

A nonprofit stablecoin, Glo Dollar, provides basic income to the extremely poor by generating yield from reserves, aiming to lift millions out of poverty via partnership with GiveDirectly.
A tool enabling users to prove that withdrawals from Tornado Cash are not linked to any blacklisted deposits, preserving privacy while demonstrating lawful use.
Update existing networking module to support WebRTC for browser-based collaborative systems design and exploration.
Support the development of a requirements management subsystem inspired by IBM DOORS, based on the ReqIF file format.
The Clean Wave aims to protect nature and foster community-driven eco-friendly actions, embodying community and environmental values in all decisions.