average score over 2 application evaluations
The Margari protocol facilitates cross-chain funding for DAOs by enabling transparent allocation and delivery of funds, minimizing bridging risks for remote contributors through localized transactions and tradable Gilts.


As DAOs and other decentralized on chain communities begin to realise the idea of "Home Chain" with respect to their activities the concept of cross chain collaborations leveraging decentralized capabilities residing on different chains becomes more real.

The Problem

With the advent of L2 and Ln chain forms this need to cater for contributors such as individuals or organizations that "do stuff" but leverage another chain becomes highly relevant to DAO Grantors and other funding organizations. The primary challenges being first how maintain transparency between funding allocations and works delivered, and second how to minimize the financial disturbance & risk associated with bridging deliverable awards cross chain.

The Solution

The Margari protocol enables the Granting DAO or organization to leverage the easy dynamics of Allo Protocol to manage fund allocations and leverage the Margari Allo Delivery strategy which intelligently optimizes how funds are delivered based on contributor Chain Residence. Margari enables Contributors to self register to a given project, whilst enabling Project Administrators to create deliverables and assign/re-assign them to Contributors. When deliverables are submitted automated Payment Directives are issued which are honoured by the Margari Allo Delivery strategy leveraging the Allo pool. When payments are issued Local Chain Contributors have their funds transmitted directly whilst Remote Chain Contributors are issued with Gilts that are transmitted automatically cross chain, claimable from the Remote Chain Margari Contract. A Gilt represents Local Chain Bonded (vaulted) funds that can be redeemed by any independent party holding the Gilt. As Gilts are NFT ERC721 compliant Contributors can list their Gilts for sale on any ERC721 accepting marketplace local to their chain, hence removing the need to bridge any funds.

In this way the Margari Protocol enables Grantors to establish and maintain complete traceability of fund use on their home chain whilst at the same time NOT requiring remote chain contributors to set up a local chain presence.

This now enables new and exciting cross chain collaborations between Granting projects hosted on Arbitrum leveraging Margari <>Allo and decentralized communities on other chains

Margari History

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