Meet Crypto

$6.00 crowdfunded from 1 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
Non-profit focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency education, content creation, and promotion for a transparent, inclusive world through training programs, informational material, and awareness campaigns.

Our non-profit organization is dedicated to education and promotion of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, with the aim of creating a more just, transparent and inclusive world.

To achieve our goal, we work in three main areas: education, content creation, and promotion.

In terms of education, our organization offers online and in-person training and education programs for anyone interested in learning about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. These programs are designed to be accessible and tailored to different levels of knowledge.

In the area of content creation, our organization focuses on producing relevant and up-to-date information about the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, from news to project analysis and trends, in order to educate and keep our users informed.

Finally, in the area of promotion, our organization is dedicated to spreading information about blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, through awareness campaigns and public events, with the aim of creating awareness and promoting responsible adoption of these technologies.

In summary, our non-profit organization seeks to promote education and use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, working in areas such as education, content creation, and promotion, in order to contribute to a more just and transparent world for all.

Meet Crypto History

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