Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators
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Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators

Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators History

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Independent agency delivering humanitarian aid for basic rights in disaster-struck areas, with a focus on Turkey and nearby regions, emphasizing impartiality and accountability.
Implementing Web3 tools to enhance community coordination and living standards in Nigeria through the Green Pill Nigeria Chapter.
Peruvian web3 community Women Biz, with over 1000 members, educates women on blockchain through events and recently expanded with a 7-city tour to onboard students and establish local chapters.
Edtech platform Valucop Global aims to educate 1 million Africans on Blockchain, offering courses, internships, and scholarships to improve career readiness and accessibility to opportunities in the crypto industry.
CryptoConexión aims to boost DeFi adoption and education in Latin America through educational initiatives, 1inch-focused content, and a pilot DeFi program in Puerto Rico.