Microeconomics App MVP: Empowering local Communities and Impact Creators History
accepted into Test AND 3 11 months ago.
accepted into QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto space | Polygon 11 months ago.
accepted into QuantumStake: Revolutionizing Staking in the Crypto space | Optimism 11 months ago.
Explore projects
Creating a user-friendly ecosystem for gas payments with derivatives, insurance, and subscription services to stabilize gas prices and improve blockchain infrastructure.
Eco-conscious hub combining nature, crypto, and culture with a crypto education center, remote-working facilities, art spaces, environmental initiatives, and decentralized technology integration.
Developing an SDK to offer insurance and risk management for crypto wallets, bolstered by a Covalent grant for API credits, and providing a free risk analysis tool online.
EVM Diff provides developers with easy-to-read comparisons of execution-level specifications across multiple EVM-compatible chains.