$209.56 crowdfunded from 190 people
$350.38 received from matching pools
Introduction Message Layer (mLayer) is an open, decentralized communication network that enables the origination and termination of data of all sizes, leveraging modern secure protocols. More than just a singular protocol, mLayer is a comprehensive suite designed to evolve with the ever-advancing realm of cryptography. Given its protocol-centric nature, mLayer is an adaptable and universally integrable tool conceived for the decentralized era.
Communication is the lifeblood of networked system be it blockchain, IOT, P2P chat messaging. As the world gravitates more towards decentralization, the need for secure and scalable communication intensifies. For example, the rise of blockchain networks has been meteoric, with each new chain touting novel or superior features. Yet, a glaring limitation persists: most of these blockchains operate in isolation, unable to interface with one another or access external APIs seamlessly. This chasm in the technological landscape is what mLayer strives to bridge. It provides the foundational layer that can be leveraged to actualize this feat.
mLayer isn’t just an end-to-end crosschain messaging protocol but a decentralized, trustless messaging protocol and network that streamlines message delivery. Its is designed to be:
Simple and Secure: Simplify the implementation of secure messaging across industries. Trustless: Foster a decentralized network devoid of central entities. Scalable: Efficiently manage vast data quantities. Upgradeable: Maintain a chain and protocol-agnostic stance.
mLayer Protocol History
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 1 year ago. 190 people contributed $210 to the project, and $350 of match funding was provided.