NacDB Distributed Database

$73.96 crowdfunded from 88 people

$135.87 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Distributed database for the Internet Computer, designed for efficient enumeration and gas-effective canister management, essential for large-scale projects; used in Zon Social Network, under active development.

NacDB is a distributed database for DFINITY Internet Computer that supports seamless enumeration.

It is done by splitting the DB into sub-DBs, such that every sub-DB fits inside one canister, for seamless enumeration.

NacDB is done in such a way to reduce cycles (gas) spents on creating new canisters, that is to be gas-effective.

NacDB is a must for any project that needs enumeration of items (that is putting items into some order) that are possibly so many that it won't fit inside one canister: Consider a social network with streams of posts that need to be enumerated. Or consider a grants system like Gitcoin (but on Internet Computer) where grants are presented in some order.

Because NacDB is developed for one task, enumeration of DB items, it is normally recommended to use it together with another database, such as CanDB.

NacDB is used in my commercial project Zon Social Network and is planned to be used in my other non-commercial project, Salaries Science. (The social network and the grants platform mentioned in the example above.)

NacDB is in active development as of today. Both monetary help and software development help is welcome. Contact me on details of needed software development help.

NacDB Distributed Database History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 88 people contributed $74 to the project, and $136 of match funding was provided.

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