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NBeat protocol promotes Web3 IP development, allowing users to co-own, support, and commercialize NFT-themed content like novels and comics while sharing copyright revenue.

NBeat protocol is dedicated to the sustainable and in-depth development of Web3 IPs. The users can explore and support NFT-collection-themed works such as novels, comics, and other content types on NBeat. All supporters would share 50% of the work’s copyright, and the copyright could be circulated after the work achieves some popularity.

Why implement NBeat?

An NFT craze has happened in the past two years. There are many activities such as meetups/activities/Twitter space/personal actions around NFTs. Besides flippers, There are many fams who love, empathize, and enjoy the interaction with NFTs, no matter whether they are crypto users or not.

But both price and activity fluctuate greatly, we think that 3 pain points restrict the continuous development of the web3 IP industry.

  • Unstable driving force. Most of the activity promoters were attracting traffic and monetized for quick profit inappropriately, which damaged the sector.
  • Lack of new content. The participants would get bored after a period because there is only PFPs and nothing changed.
  • No commercialization. The current lack of commercialization in the entire industry shows that PFP pics alone are not enough to complete the commercial closed loop.

Based on the above analysis and pain points, we think the industry needs a new kind of pushing mechanism, new content and content types, and commercialization efforts so that the value around NFTs can last and thrive.

Main functions:

  • Decentralized support
    • The web3 IPs (such as an NFT collection) community can decentralized support the NFT-collection-themed works directly and share 50% of the work's copyright, the works could be novel, comic, or any other format.
  • Copyright circulation
    • When the work obtains a certain amount of dissemination in the web2 or web3 community, the circulation function of the copyright of the work will be enabled. Any user can tokenize the copyright of the work by one transaction.
  • Commercialization mechanism
    • NBeat would coordinate multiple third parties to try commercialization for the supported work.
    • Initial planned commercial activities include publishing, commercial derivatives, audio drama adaptation in the beginning, and Game/film/comic adaptation in the future.
  • Enhance NFT trading experience
    • Providing one NFT marketplace that allows users to quickly get the collection's background, content, and interaction when browsing the NFT series.

NBeat History

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