$3,139.55 crowdfunded from 684 people

$4,844.49 received from matching pools

average score over 8 application evaluations
Building a decentralized social economy network to connect creators, brands, and users, with initiatives in payment systems, content distribution, and data privacy on the blockchain.



The Social Economy Network Connecting Everything.

We are committed to building a social economy network that connects creators, brands and users. Focusing on creator economy, payment and rights distribution, and social graph applications.

🦌 Dapp Website


Nextme Gallery

⛩️ Official OnePage

For more information, you can visit our official portal. It's a pretty comprehensive list of our products, organizations and partners


Nextme Official Portal

5 months in beta and over 100,000 users globally Mainly creators (photographers/bloggers with 1 million+ followers, etc.) and brands (IPs/corporations)

🖼️ Submit to Gallery The exhibition gallery that just recently went up. https://nextme.one/explore Also refers to getting some inspiration~

Nextme Gallery

🦄 Partners and Customers

Nextme Customers Nextme Customers

From 1.0 to 2.0 Nextme's next ecological "five pieces of chess" is dedicated to "Web3's Instagram + Alipay". From user's identity to data, member's rights and payment, UGC dynamics and ad revenue distribution, it is divided into Nextme DIDs Network, Nextme OnePage, Nextme Pay, Nextme Connect, Nextme Feeds. 2.0 will be a payment and content center with more window opening capabilities and contractual distribution of ad revenue.

Nextme's Ecosystem

Nextme DIDs Network

  • 2022.12

Based on the W3C DID specification, we released the innovative DIDs Network, which currently has hundreds of thousands of encrypted users, supports 1,900+ social media and publishers aggregation, and provides Infra services such as privacy security, permanent storage, and data ownership.

Nextme OnePage

  • 2023.3

Provide creators and brands with rich and beautiful data visualization (Portals such as LandingPage, Link in Bio, etc.) Not limited to rich media such as Videos, Photos,Music, Podcasts, Streams, etc. All the data you want to integrate and display.

Nextme Pay

  • 2023.12

Dedicated to building payment middleware that makes socializing and living easier. Help creators and brands connect with fans, and distribute community benefits. Buy or Sell commodities, derivatives(more) and Send or Receive money on your favorite Social OnePage.

Nextme Feeds

  • 2024.Q1

From Identity to Profiles (Portals) is just a private domain of millions of pieces of data. We will open up this human-to-human connectivity relationship at the right time, with interesting interactions, rich and beautifully crafted content, and subverting the share of advertising revenue.

Nextme Connect

  • 2024.Q2

Onboard all of your users with a beautiful Connect modal, flexible sign-in options for web2 & web3, and powerful hooks for full customizability. No wallet? No problem! Onboard users with just an email, phone, social account, or passkeys — and create wallets for them.

Nextme Global

In short, you can not only have a rich and beautifully powerful social portal homepage/Landing Page/Link in Bio, etc., but also freely share dynamics, works, courses, commodities, derivatives, etc. in the community square, which is not limited to communication/interaction/creation/transaction, etc., and the data is also more securely and persistently stored in the decentralized blockchain nodes, one-stop realization of the brand display and realization of influence and value power. From Web2+Web3 identity aggregation, creation to data privacy protection, based on self-developed Nextme DIDs Network & Arweave, we better return account rights and data ownership to the users; social square support and aggregation of 1900+three-party services (chatting/conferencing/e-commerce/transactions, etc.) to social relationship feed and advertising services, commodity transactions, etc., to bring data revenue through smart contract Token sharing, which can be used to realize the brand display and influence and value realization. The social square supports and aggregates 1000+ three-party services (chat/conference/e-commerce/transaction, etc.), and feeds the social relationship feed, advertising services, commodity trading, etc. data revenue for active users through smart contracts and Token sharing, thus building a decentralized social relationship, content aggregation and traffic distribution center.

Nextme History

  • applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 7 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Community and Education 7 months ago. 98 people contributed $289 to the project, and $505 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Ethereum Infrastructure 11 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Web3 Social 7 months ago. 332 people contributed $760 to the project, and $900 of match funding was provided.
  • applied to the Web3 Open Source Software 11 months ago which was rejected
  • accepted into Global Chinese Community Round at GG19 7 months ago. 192 people contributed $354 to the project, and $312 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into Web3 Social 1 year ago. 53 people contributed $1,029 to the project, and $1,999 of match funding was provided.
  • accepted into ENS Ecosystem 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $708 to the project, and $1,129 of match funding was provided.

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