
$335.44 crowdfunded from 195 people

average score over 1 application evaluations
NFTEarth is an innovative L2 NFT marketplace leveraging cutting-edge tech, including AI, and an Arbitrum-based protocol to enhance user experience and access for global NFT adoption.

Welcome to NFTEarth, a new and ambitious project that is set to redefine the NFT marketplace landscape, empower creators and collectors, and pave the way for a more inclusive digital future. We invite you to become a part of this visionary journey by supporting us through the Grant Program.


NFTEarth is not aiming to be just another NFT marketplace; it's a project focused on transforming what non-fungible technology means, and what it enables for all participants in the space. At its core, NFTEarth is an L2 (Layer 2) NFT Marketplace and protocol designed to provide users with an extraordinary platform for buying, selling, and earning rewards through the exchange of digital collectibles and NFTs. But it goes beyond that; NFTEarth is at the forefront of emerging non-fungible technology, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of NFTs including AI integrations using digital avatars from ReadyPlayerMe and powered by Google Cloud Vertex AI.

Building the Future of NFTs:

Our vision is to create a new paradigm for NFTs. NFTEarth is pioneering a novel NFT protocol that leverages cutting-edge technologies. We are proud to be live on Arbitrum, substantially reducing gas costs and ensuring a seamless experience for our users. Additionally, we utilize onchain VRF from Chainlink, enhancing the security and trustworthiness of our platform.

But the project goals don't stop there. We are committed to exploring new and groundbreaking use-cases for non-fungible technology. The scope of the project goals encompass NFT creation and education, as well as the integration of AI solutions directly into NFTs and the protocol marketplace. We aim to be a one-stop destination for all things NFT, with a particular emphasis on Layer 2 scaling networks like Arbitrum.

The Impact We Seek:

NFTEarth's ultimate goal is to make NFTs accessible to a global audience. We understand the immense potential of the NFT market, and we're ready to seize it. According to global NFT statistics, over the next three years, more than 30 million new users are expected to embrace NFTs. NFTEarth aspires to be the welcoming home for the majority of these newcomers. We firmly believe that blockchain scaling solutions are the key to seamlessly introducing them to the captivating world of web3.

Join Our Vision:

By supporting NFTEarth, you're not only contributing to the future of NFTs but also becoming a part of a vibrant and forward-thinking community. We invite you to connect with us on

X: Discord: Telegram:

We believe in building a future where NFTs are more than just digital assets; they are a gateway to boundless opportunities, creativity, and inclusivity. Donate to NFTEarth to support a strong catalyst for change in the NFT ecosystem today.

NFTEarth History

  • accepted into The Gaming Round 1 year ago. 195 people contributed $335 to the project, and $0 of match funding was provided.

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