Oceans DAO

$74.98 crowdfunded from 16 people

$1,460.55 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Decentralized organization leveraging blockchain to build a global community and treasury dedicated to creating positive, impactful changes for ocean conservation.

Oceans DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization created with the purpose of empowering people and organizations to take action and make impactful, positive change for the ocean.

Oceans DAO was recently accepted into a local accelerator program in South Florida with the goal of becoming more organized and growing the global community.

Key objectives

To build a community that cares about protecting and regenerating the oceans

To employ blockchain technology to build a community treasury that can be deployed to fulfill the mission

To create meaningful and measurable positive impact for the oceans

When it comes to climate change, the wrong things are being incentivized. There’s financial incentive for not planting a forest, but for cutting it down. The ocean is no different. It needs help, but there is no financial incentive to protect or regenerate the ocean (as is the issue with climate change overall). Currently, an average person’s ability to create positive ocean impact is limited to donating to a nonprofit organization, purchasing from a B corp (or the like), and volunteering their time. Thus, there is no easily accessible way for the average person to create meaningful, positive ocean impact.

By leveraging blockchain technology, Oceans DAO will build a global community of like-minded people who are passionate about creating positive ocean impact, and facilitate the creation and deployment of a community treasury focused on fulfilling the DAO mission.

Oceans DAO History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 16 people contributed $75 to the project, and $1,461 of match funding was provided.

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