Tokenized digital assets, such as NFTs, have encountered significant challenges in recent years, including diminished public appeal, restricted functionalities, hindered innovation in use cases, disconnection of linked assets from the blockchain (simply the off-chain NFTs), lack of user engagement and interactivity (or advancement) of NFT visuals, heightened vulnerabilities, data permanence uncertainties, and incurring additional development stacks and costs. These issues stem from the confinement of asset development to traditional static files (e.g., JPG, PNG, GIF), usage of additional external service dependencies (e.g., oracles, pinning service), opting for an off-chain storage solution, and the lack of necessary tools and resources for creating on-chain and interactive assets. Critics rightfully note that many NFTs still resemble basic JPEGs, lagging behind the expectations of the next generation of the web era, hindering web3 adoption and collector's interest.
OnChainVision Labs has initiated efforts to unpack and address these challenges, envisioning a landscape where purposeful technological approaches drive further advancement and redefine the narrative. Through the introduction of innovative tools and protocols for direct on-chain storage solutions and harnessing the true power of smart contracts to create and generate programmable digital assets, we aim to surpass the existing limitations and advance forward. Our goal is to usher in a new era of digital assets that is not only more attractive and interactive but also more functional, cost-effective, and secure, fostering the unrestricted flourishing of creative ideas, technological impact, and the emergence of new digital experiences.
How Do We Modernize Digital Assets on Polygon?
OCV introduces a revolutionary approach to crafting, overseeing, and safeguarding digital assets, utilizing our cutting-edge technologies to pave the way for innovative and diverse digital forms. We empower creatives and visionaries with the essential tools, leveraging the resources they already possess. Tailored specifically for digital creators, graphic designers, web developers, and enterprises, our meticulously curated suite of solutions spans from no-code platforms to in-depth, lower-level asset development. This versatility ensures greater flexibility in your workflow, enabling you to bring your envisioned assets to life in the shortest time possible. The significance of this becomes even more pronounced as we witness the surge in Bitcoin Ordinals, emphasizing the need to inscribe or securely place digital assets on-chain without dependence on off-chain decentralized storage and pinning services.
Digital Asset Modernization: From Tradition to OnChainVision
- Tradition: Bitmap/Rasterized/Static Multimedia Assets
- OnChainVision: Vector Graphics and Web Documents
- Tradition: Off-Chain File System + Pinning Service
- OnChainVision: Blockchain and Smart Contract Storage
- Tradition: TokenIDs are linked to Asset URLs/CIDs (IPFS, ArWeave, Centralized Servers)
- OnChainVision: TokenIDs are linked to Assets' Contract Addresses (Note: With OCV protocols, digital assets are encoded and deployed as smart contracts)
- Tradition: Publicly Available, Downloadable, Web Crawlable, and Free to Consume
- OnChainVision: Encrypted and/or Watermarked with a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Tradition: No encryption at all or Quantum-Crackable Cryptography
- OnChainVision: Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
- Tradition: Fetch/Resolve Assets on URLs
- OnChainVision: Decode and compile multiple asset data into one asset, especially for interactive NFTs composed of scripts, markups, styles, and multiple media assets.
Major Benefits of Smart Assets
- Fully stored and deployed on-chain
- Interaction to blockchain data
- "Deploy once, read forever" blockchain advantage
- Visually interactive as if they were a website
- Portable, interoperable, and composable
- Private, compressed, and encrypted
- Automated pragma asset licensing
- Governed by role-based access control
- Undeniably immortal with zero downtime
- and so much more! Just imagine how "Web Documents" revolutionize how we consume contents, create digital products, provide online services on the Internet, but now fortified by emerging technologies and secured with cyber-resilient practices.
Current Developments and Milestones
- (Sept 2023) - Ethereum Style Sheets (ESS) NPM Package - tailwindCSS-like contract libraries for NFT Visual Development, the foundation for programming and styling assets.
- (Oct 2023) - NFT Themer v1.0 Beta - customization and theming tool for Static NFTs transforming them into Interactive NFTs.
- (Nov 2023) - World's First Interactive Assets Builder for Web Developers currently deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet for public beta testing - built for web developers to build and deploy interactive assets using markups, style sheets, scripts, and CDNs but not handling the tedious development process of smart contracts.
- (Dec 2023) - Started Development of OCV Games Platform - home for building, playing, and collecting fully on-chain games
- (Jan 2024) - Smart Asset and Smart Codec - suite of solidity contracts and codecs that facilitate the development of "digital asset as a smart contract" a.k.a. "smart assets"
Upcoming Development (mainly the usage of grants and donations)
- Asset Data Obfuscation Protocol for Anti-reverse Engineering
- Smart Asset Explorer for OnChain Asset Discovery
- Marketplace Designed for Smart Assets
- Bitmap2Vector ML Model to vectorize raster image
- Watermarking and other Steganographic Technology
- LLM Integration for AI-assisted content writing
- Integration of High-compression Video Codec
- Built-in wave-responsive Music Visualizer for audio file types
- Digital Asset Management and Monitoring for Enterprises
- Porting QuantumSafe Cryptographic Algorithms to Contract Libraries
- Utility Injection for existing NFTs
- Simulation Labs for Engineers and Scientists
- Home for Decentralized Science Community
- -- the list goes on and on --
Explore us at www.ocvlabs.com | github.com/ocvlabs
Made with ❤️ by Rald
OnChainVision History
accepted into GG22 OSS - dApps and Apps 4 months ago.
applied to the GG22 OSS - Developer Tooling and Libraries 4 months ago which was rejected