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Launching "OpenMarketing," a blockchain-based tool revolutionizing digital contracts in marketing with multi-chain compatibility, standardized templates, performance tracking, privacy tools, auditing mechanisms, and community governance within 90 days, pending funding.

OpenMarketing: A Blockchain Revolution in Digital Contracts

We are on the cusp of delivering a groundbreaking product in "OpenMarketing," poised to redefine how digital marketing contracts are created, executed, and enforced, leveraging the power of blockchain technology. Our impending launch is scheduled within the next 90 days, contingent upon securing the necessary funding.

For more in-depth details, please see our whitepaper.

Progressive Actions Undertaken:

Multi-Chain Compatibility:

  • Completed a thorough evaluation of various blockchains.
  • Designed adapter modules as a proof of concept for cross-chain functionality.
  • Established preliminary contacts with blockchain service providers in anticipation of developing multiple access points for the OpenMarketing framework.

Standardized Contract Templates:

  • Outlined a collection of core templates addressing common digital marketing arrangements.
  • Designed preliminary versions of a customisation interface for smart contracts.
  • Conducted ideation workshops to explore the expansion of the template library through community input.

Performance Tracking Integrations:

  • Explored potential integrations with decentralized oracle services for accurate metric tracking.
  • Drafted conceptual outlines for automated performance-based payouts within smart contracts.
  • Initiated discussions with analytics platforms regarding the development of application-specific APIs for direct data integration.

Compliance and Privacy Tools:

  • Engaged with legal professionals to draft a GDPR-compliant privacy strategy.
  • Researched cryptographic methods, including zero-knowledge proofs, intended to secure transaction privacy.
  • Devised a prototype for an audit function to bring transparent compliance to marketing contracts.

Decentralized Auditing Mechanisms:

  • Proposed an infrastructure for decentralized smart contract audits governed by a community platform.
  • Outlined an incentive system to encourage auditor participation.
  • Planned a bug-bounty program to ensure robust security prior to the framework being deployed.

Educational and Developmental Resources:

  • Created the foundational layout for documentation and development guides.
  • Established the framework for an online educational portal tailored to developers and marketers.
  • Laid out plans for a support community to facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaborative innovation.

Community Governance Model:

  • Developed the groundwork for the OpenMarketing DAO and its governance mechanisms.
  • Proposed initial governance token allocation to encourage participative community governance.
  • Organized a schedule for community calls to stimulate engagement in steering the evolution of the platform.

Pre-Launch Strategy and Research:

  • Phase 1 activities have culminated in exhaustive market research and the formulation of smart contract template versions along with the integration toolkit.
  • Phase 2 and onward have been meticulously planned, awaiting the funding to commence the development of our multi-chain adaptable core and the integration with performance tracking and compliance mechanisms.

Awaiting Funding and Support:

  • Drafted a complete financial blueprint to cover essential contributions for development, legal, and marketing competencies.
  • Mapped out the need for technical resources and development infrastructure.
  • Crafted a mentoring and advisory blueprint engaging industry experts to offer strategic guidance pre-and post-launch.
  • Outlined marketing and promotional strategies to generate buzz and assure swift adoption upon release.

Presently, our primary focus is securing the necessary funds to move from ideation into action. With all the groundwork laid and initial research completed, the OpenMarketing project is eagerly poised at the threshold, ready to materialize a novel solution anticipated by the digital marketing and blockchain communities alike.

OpenMarketing History

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