
$171.30 crowdfunded from 69 people

$137.69 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Integrate a Knowledge Graph with large AI language models and blockchain to create a decentralized, hallucination-proof AI system that ensures data integrity and trustworthiness. OTHub simplifies user interaction with this ecosystem.


The promise of Artificial Intelligence is clouded by critical issues that compromise its efficacy and reliability. AI hallucinations, a phenomenon where AI systems generate misleading or entirely fabricated information, pose a significant threat to the integrity of decision-making processes. Additionally, the trustworthiness of AI is under constant scrutiny, as the provenance and integrity of data used for machine learning and AI applications are often opaque. Without transparent and verifiable data sources, AI's potential is hindered by the risk of bias, error, and manipulation. This not only affects the outcomes but also erodes user confidence, obstructing the wider adoption and acceptance of AI technologies. The need for a solution that can anchor AI in a foundation of verified truth and trust has never been more urgent.

Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs

The integration of a Knowledge Graph (KG) with Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT marks a transformative step in trusted AI development. LLMs bring adaptability and advanced natural language capabilities, while the KG provides a solid foundation of structured, verifiable knowledge. This combination allows for AI systems that not only understand and generate language with human-like fluency but also base their outputs on accurate, verifiable information. The resulting AI is not just powerful but also hallucination-proof, capable of reasoning and learning with both the creativity of human-like thought and the reliability of factual data.

OriginTrail: LLMs x DKG x Blockchain

By integrating a third element, blockchain, OriginTrail, an open protocol, ensures the immutability and trust of the data. Once the data is fingerprinted on the blockchain, it cannot be altered, which mitigates the risk of tampering and misinformation. This immutable record-keeping is crucial in establishing a single source of truth for data used by AI.

OriginTrail's Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG), as opposed to a traditional Knowledge Graph, also distributes trust across a network rather than centralizing it. This decentralization means no single point of failure or control, leading to a more robust and resilient system. The verifiable and transparent nature of blockchain complements this by providing a trustless environment where data integrity is paramount.

The union of LLMs, DKGs, and Blockchain presents a new paradigm for AI: a system where language understanding and knowledge are not only deeply intertwined but also secured and verified in a way that was not possible before. Going forward, OriginTrail stands at the forefront of this innovation, offering a robust solution that restores trust, integrity, and traceability to AI data handling and completely solving AI hallucinations and misinformation.

OTHub: Middleware between OriginTrail and all network participants

To tap into OriginTrail's DKG SDK, users must run a decentralized node, an essential step for utilizing the SDK. However, this can be a stumbling block for those not versed in coding or uninterested in managing a server just to access SDK functionalities. Enter OTHub, a solution that simplifies the process. OTHub operates a node on behalf of the user, serving as a middleware, which removes the technical overhead and allows direct interaction with the OriginTrail ecosystem through a user-friendly API. With OTHub, users can easily engage with and shape the knowledge foundation of decentralized and trusted AI.

Key Features of OTHub

OTHub offers a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline the management and operation of Knowledge Assets and applications within the DKG ecosystem. With the OTHub API, users gain the ability to seamlessly create, update, and transfer Knowledge Assets. Application Management also becomes intuitive, enabling users to construct and oversee assets created and applications that leverage the DKG. An Asset Inventory dashboard presents a user-friendly interface for the management of personal Knowledge Assets. For those invested in the DKG infrastructure, the Staking and Node Dashboards provide a comprehensive view of node delegation and statistics. Underpinning all this is a robust Network Analytics tool, offering advanced charts and insights into the DKG's network health, ensuring users have a clear understanding of the ecosystem's performance and stability.


OTHub invites collaboration and funding to scale our platform, streamline decentralized knowledge creation and exchange, and propel the evolution of AI with integrity. Everyone can become network participants and contribute to shaping a decentralized and trusted AI together.

Join us in shaping a knowledgeable, interconnected, and truthful future for AI!

OTHub.io History

  • accepted into Web3 Open Source Software 10 months ago. 69 people contributed $171 to the project, and $138 of match funding was provided.

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