
$1,023.23 crowdfunded from 9 people

$686.77 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Oxygen-chain incentivizes eco-compliance in waste management through a transparent reward system using IoT sensors and real-time data for accountability.

Oxygen-chain Oxygenchain aims to incentivize companies to comply with their environmental obligations by providing transparency and accountability in the management of waste treatment systems

The Uncomfortable truth

Most of the world’s liquid waste is dumped into our rivers, lakes and oceans untreated. Inefficient systems, lack of resources, and centralized environmental agencies all contribute to falling short of a solution people deserve.

Two main reasons for the failure of current initiatives are; lack of transparency and misaligned incentives. Because data is opaque, it is: difficult to validate, hard to enforce results, and creates a lack of accountability.

Proposed Solution

Using real-time data collected through multi-parameter IoT sensors, flow rate meters and more we can create an immutable record of history, while calculating differences from incoming and outgoing readings to generate rewards. Oxygenchain is ready to power new economies with tangible results providing accountability, transparency and emphasizing efficiency to the public.

The rewards system incentivizes companies to comply with environmental regulations. By proving that their activities are not contaminating the planet, they will receive a reward, which will encourage them to continue to operate in an environmentally friendly manner.

How It Works

The rewards system incentivizes companies to comply with environmental regulations and provides a clear way for them to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Oxygenchain aims to create a platform that encourages environmental responsibility and helps mitigate the impact of pollution on our planet.

[System overview] πŸ”—πŸ”—πŸ”—πŸ”—Boots on the ground Oxygen Chain proof-of-concept πŸ”—πŸ”—πŸ”—πŸ”—General introduction video Oxygen Chain

The Team

oxygenchain History

  • accepted into Climate Solutions 1 year ago. 9 people contributed $1,023 to the project, and $687 of match funding was provided.

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Incentivizes eco-friendly waste treatment using IoT sensors and data transparency to reward compliance with environmental regulations.
Incentivizes cleaner waste treatment with IoT sensors and data transparency, rewarding compliant entities for environmental sustainability.