Patrick Collins YouTube

$148.62 crowdfunded from 84 people

$422.89 received from matching pools

average score over 1 application evaluations
Educator offering Smart Contract Developer tutorials through YouTube courses with millions of views; also co-founded security teams and implements NFTs as learning certificates.

I make smart contract educational content on my YouTube channel!

I'm Co-founder of smart contract security team Cyfrin & competitive audits CodeHawks. I've been doing smart contract developer tutorials & education for the past 3 years.

I've created:

  1. A 16 hour long brownie & solidity course with over 3M views
  2. A 32 hour long hardhat & solidity course with over 2M views
  3. A 27 hour long foundry & solidity course with over 200k views

We also create blogs, YouTube shorts, and more to enable web3 developers at scale.

In our Hardhat & Foundry course, we used Arbitrum NFTs as proof that developers learned that section.

Over 500 have been minted for the foundry course, and over 1,000 in the hardhat course!

We've got a lot more coming down the pipeline too 🫡

Patrick Collins YouTube History

People donating to Patrick Collins YouTube, also donated to

Grant program rewarding Onda staff for valuable community contributions.
Raising funds for a Gitcoin ecosystem project, including Gitcoin promotion, community support on Discord, stewardship duties, and creating a 'Public Goods Portal' with 60% of grant funds.
A research group is investigating bonding curves as a tool for stabilizing token economies in DAOs, aiming to educate and develop sustainable Web3 economic models.
MetaCamp: A convergence hub for digital communities to explore governance, DAOs, network states, and wellness through facilitated discussions and immersive group activities.
Summarized Project Description: Maintaining a registry of open source projects for Ethereum ecosystems, creating impact metrics, and providing data access for funders and developers through an open-source platform.