Pharo ACM
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Consequatur iure iste placeat vel rem reiciendis quasi maiores. Harum perferendis deserunt quo nisi corporis ullam deserunt ut. Reprehenderit voluptate architecto ipsa voluptatibus dolorem officiis praesentium aut assumenda.

Pharo ACM History

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WalletX is a crypto browser extension that simplifies interactions with dApps, offering features like batch transactions and gas payments in ERC20 tokens through Account Abstraction.
Introducing Soulcial, a Web3 platform that redefines social value with a new indicator, the Soulcial Behavior Trait Indicator (SBTI), to measure and reward engagement for content creators and consumers.
Zenbit.eth is a digital lab promoting urban improvement through Web3 integration, enhancing public space data, decentralized governance, e-commerce, and clean mobility. They focus on collaborative urban regeneration and public goods development, using hackathons and global collaborations.
Supporting ResearchHub and DeSci, the foundation hosts educational events, develops a reputation system, compensates peer reviewers, and, through a Gitcoin grant, accelerates peer review efficiency by 87.5%.
Bot swiftly identifies and reports scam websites, integrating with security extensions, with a track record of over 10,000 users protected and 15,000 scam sites blacklisted, providing real-time protection.