PowerPool test project 1
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PowerPool test project 1 History

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Community platform offering tutorials in Solidity, Web3 integration, and sharing Web3 founders' stories to educate and onboard users into the Web3 space.
Creating a toolkit for permissionless liquidity management strategies on Uniswap pools.
Develop a blockchain for data storage, reducing reliance on third-party applications, with a new EVM-compatible platform and database for cost-effective and high-throughput operations, incorporating community-trained AI with open access.
Establishing a fishery management system for Amazon's Negro River Basin communities using traditional methods, Hidromoths, and machine learning to track fish movements, improve efficiency, and enhance food security.
Enhances Web3 security using embedded, non-intrusive, dynamic anti-scam technology in core nodes, blocking phishing and protecting connected dApps and wallets automatically.