ProbeLab: Measurement Tooling for Web3 P2P Networks
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Developing monitoring tools and providing network health reports for P2P protocols, assisting engineering teams in optimizing blockchain networks with proposed future enhancements for Layer 2 support, bootstrapper monitoring, eclipse attack detection, and performance optimization studies.

The ProbeLab team is helping engineering teams get a better understanding of the operational and protocol details of the P2P layer of their network. With those insights, engineering teams can apply optimisations to their network-layer protocols. We have been developing measurement and monitoring tooling for the P2P layer of blockchains for IPFS and libp2p-based networks for the past several years.

The majority of the results we produce can be found at:

Things we have done:

  • Weekly network health reports for the IPFS network:
  • Weekly network health reports for the Ethereum discv5 DHT network: (Week 9, 2024)
  • Bootstrapper monitoring for the Filecoin network:
  • Several studies on IPFS and libp2p (e.g., see NAT Hole Punching):

Things we plan to do with this funding (in priority order, depending on funding amount):

  • Extend our Nebula crawler to provide weekly reports for other L2s on Ethereum (e.g., provide support for Optimism).
  • Extend bootstrapper monitoring for the Ethereum network.
  • Build a tool to monitor the DHT keyspace density for Ethereum’s discv5 DHT network to detect potential eclipse attacks.
  • Extend our Hermes platform to monitor Gossipsub operation for the Ethereum network:
  • Build simulation or emulation tools to identify the right protocol (or protocol combination) for DAS on Ethereum (

Impact: Our tools and tailor-made studies have traditionally helped engineering teams to adjust their protocols’ settings and optimise performance with regard to: bandwidth consumption requirements, latency reduction, CPU consumption requirement, infrastructure and node operation cost optimisation.

Examples include:

ProbeLab: Measurement Tooling for Web3 P2P Networks History

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