average score over 4 application evaluations is your onchain account abstracted profile and smart contract wallet, with a depth of web3 technology under the hood to benefit from ownership of data, but without complexity to help new users into web3.

Please see which demonstrates our approach, user experience and interface design that is orientated towards making web3 more accessible to a broader audience. is also focused on financial inclusion, by enabling cryptocurrency payments accessible using smart contract account wallets and gas subsidy.

Profiles are opensource for syndication across the internet and profile verification opens the market of trusted transactions. is also focused around web3 education and onboarding, with initial partners in the coding school, edtech and traditional education space, enrolling students through their organisation profiles, and issuing achievement certification onchain.

Every users benefits from multi-layered account abstraction including cross-chain smart contract accounts, W3C decentralised identifers and web3 DNS, and our goal is to make benefitting from identity assets in the form of Soulbound NFTs, Attestations and Verifiable Credentials and sending USDC and other cryptocurrency as simple and trusted as sending an email.

Platform growth is driven by enabling all users to send skill badges to each other, while our B2B partners issue proof of experience badges in batch. Partners include coding bootcamps like Encode and Roster, through to Universities to issue degrees onchain. These Soulbound NFTs can then be called to provide benefits to holders, including airdrops, content, access to events / gated communities etc. So becomes your gateway to web3 dapps.

Alongside our other verification KYC and KYB methods, we will leverage Gitcoin Passport and other web3 identifiers, as part of our proof of personhood algorithm, for those who don't want to use KYC. History

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