proving ground
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An environmental coalition aims to expose the defense industry's role in climate change and its effect on national security and policy through a strategic communication campaign.

In the pursuit of a built environment for all.

Consider us part think-tank + part environmental consultancy + part technology collaborative:

We are an environmental planning and sustainable development advocacy coalition who believes that projects designed to bring dignity and justice to the built environment can insure peace, provide safety, promote welfare, and secure rights to all people. We aim to maintain lasting, trusted relationships with many peoples, leveraging their stakeholders, government representatives, local leaders, and public policy makers, to produce fair and informed strategies for meaningful, ecological design.

We would like to make this particular project address the metacrisis through a strategic communication campaign on the perverse incentives within the defense enterprise and its steering away conversations of national security and geopolitical norms toward the deeper entrenched lobbying and corporate hostage of government through monopsony and how this effect and its constituents aid and abet the largest institutional contributor to anthropogenic climate change. This campaign will attempt to make clear the fiscal insolvency of the largest security apparatus on the planet, being that its continually growing budget is due to surpass interest on its sovereign host’s deficit, and how these machinations both serve no direct geopolitical purpose, but also render deleterious harm to the world in terms of diplomacy and extra-state ecology.

proving ground History

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