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Blockchain-based digital CV platform that empowers users to control their data with verifiable credentials and seamless internet interoperability, reinventing online identity without relying on traditional personal identifiers.


Prutopia is a new internet CV where individuals have power over their data with a high level of veracity and can seamlessly interoperate across the internet with their same profile. It also generates a reconception of the concept of identity.

Freedom: your purpose

What is your purpose in life? What are you looking for in the future? The answer always ends in greater power of decision/action about your life. That is freedom.

Creating a product involves creating value for people, and this means helping them achieve their purpose in life.

Prutopia is built seeking to contribute to that point: it is a native internet CV in which people shape their work identity by being empowered in the workplace, working on 3 aspects: data portability (power), data veracity, and interoperability.

Data Portability (Power)

Blockchain technology allows power to be in the hands of the individual. Each identity has an ID (address) on the network, which can be used to identify the authorship of their actions in the digital world without the need for an intermediary to guard those data. Once the person has that power, no one can take it away (not even the Prutopia team that creates the tools for this to be reality).

Data Veracity

A paper CV is the perfect example of power over data: it's in my hand, no one can take it away. But how much veracity does it have? None.

Blockchain, in turn, allows us to demonstrate the authorship of actions of an identity within it, who else is validating that information, at what time, etc. This allows the internet to be truthful.

Data portability and veracity give individuals greater degrees of freedom, as they do not depend on third parties to freely manage their work identity.

You have the power over your data and can ensure its veracity to your counterpart through blockchain.


In the traditional world: completing the paper CV, delivering it to different businesses... updating work information, completing the CV again, delivering it again.

In the digital world: completing the CV on a job board, completing it on a service marketplace, completing it on another job board, updating work information... completing it again.

The CV continues to function as it did in the traditional era. That's why, at Prutopia, we are creating a tool suitable for the internet: a native internet curriculum vitae, online, without friction, easy to create, update, and connect.

Individuals will gather each work history, work experience, and other relevant input throughout the internet (reviews on platforms, educational certificates, etc.) with demonstrable validation of that data by third parties (companies, educational institutions, etc.) and will connect on different sites with one click, allowing information to migrate seamlessly both in work updates (for example: every time they provide a new service on a freelance platform) and on platforms where they seek work (for example: a job board).

Take data from different sources (inputs) and use them in job boards, HR apps, and more. Your profile will stay updated there

The New Internet CV

Taking these 3 points into account, individuals can shape identities free from determination (and not in traditional concepts, as explained in the identity article) that generate trust in their counterpart, building a reputational capital for their connection throughout the internet.

To be more graphic, a freelancer could gather all their reputational history from different platforms and have all that data in their power, being able to demonstrate their ownership. Counterparts can easily check who validated their experiences, who rated them, and decide whether to trust those third parties or not. All this without the need for a trusted intermediary or revealing their gender, nationality, given name and surname at birth, or government ID (traditional identity parameters), which means a rebalancing of power. With this work identity, they could connect on every site throughout the internet, be it social networks, job boards, service marketplaces, wallets, etc.

Integration with ENS

For Prutopia profile, professionals will require an alias: this is where ENS comes in. We have registered prutopia.eth and we plan to enable a usage very similar to Farcaster. Providing subnames to those who do not yet have their .eth, and enabling the use of their ENS as a profile name if they already have it. This will allow when that person interacts with different protocols, applications, and others with their Prutopia profile, they can display their unique internet alias, allowing the expansion of the protocol's usage on multiple sites and even more, in unknown environments (our product aims to bring the benefits of blockchain to the mainstream without the friction of the usual crypto UX). We are also considering the possible use of domain records, both for reading and writing.

We believe that this type of user-layer contributions (and it is worth noting again: not only for web3 audiences) will allow increasing the growth of ENS.


The team currently consists of 3 people: management & product (founder) and 2 developers. Since the project is bootstrapped, the grant funds would help push the project forward by allocating 100% to the developers and a new role of Ecosystem Leader, which will be filled soon.

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Development stage:

  • Finalizing smart contracts development
  • Finalizing frontend v1
  • Finalizing website v2
  • Deadline for starting testing with a first batch of users: May-June

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