Pyra: individual markets for monetizing contents
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Building data monetization layer for individuals

Pyra is the first decentralized, on-chain markets for individuals to monetize all kinds of Internet data and contents. It allows creators to launch personal shares and distribute content revenues to community shareholders. Pyra also supports use-cases like AI data marketplaces, secret groups, DAO collaborations.

A tokenized, encrypted cyberspace for individuals

Pyra is running on top of DataverseOS, an Internet data operating system to empower personal world computer where everyone can regain control of all personal data.

Meteor computer is a good example, and Pyra is built over its SDK so every user can initialize a cyberspace using wallets, and store varied secret contents and data inside.

How Pyra works

Asset-SDK should be a good start point for developers to understand and build their own asset marketplaces using new data infrastructures, including decentralized database, encrypted file system, decentralized key management system.

We are creating a new concept: data lego where every piece of user data can be tokenized, and fully composable using smart contracts. Specifically, individual cyberspace and data markets are composed of such *data legos/files, and running entirely on blockchains. Each data lego is gated by a smart contract, allowing users to determine who can access and how to access personal data/contents. Developers can attach any smart contract condition plus financial agreements when they are writing such markets. Lit Protocol is the key solution here.

We create a demonstration for developers and users — a 3-tier data zones to monetize contents. For creators, they can put contents in specific zone, and to monetize a highly secret content, just put it at the deepest zone, with highest price to unlock. For community users, if they want to access tier-2 contents, they need to have both keys of tier 1 and tier 2 zones. And everyone can buy creator shares and hold revenues! You can find the Pyra-SDK to see more details.


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Building encrypted cyberspace for individuals and enabling them to monetize personal data and contents, should be an important milestone to unlock creator economy and user-owned Internet.

Pyra: individual markets for monetizing contents History

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