QuantumFair is the first Raffle as a Service that allows anyone with little technical know-how to launch their own ERC-20 and/or ERC-721 raffles permissionlessly.
We will succeed because (1) we leveraged a game that most societies IRL and on-chain understand its rules, making onboarding an intuitive process, (2) people and communities can leverage their social capital to immediately raise for causes that they and others believe in on Optimism (3) Our architecture is built around Beacon Proxy Contracts and API3 Quantum Random Number Generator as a source of truth (4) raffles has proven itself to be the most resilient games to withstand the test of time.
QuantumFair under the Hood:
QuantumFair's smart contract enables raffle organizers to deposit prizes, including NFTs and ERC-20 tokens, into a secure QuantumFair vault. The setup process involves configuring parameters like ticket price, ticket currency (ETH or a specified ERC-20 token), raffle objective, reserve price, and expiration date. Participant registration is facilitated through an entry point contract that leverages a Beacon Proxy for dynamic asset management. Once the raffle concludes, winner selection is executed via an API3 QRNG call, ensuring a decentralized and transparent process. The smart contract then automatically manages the transfer of prizes and funds to the winner(s) and predefined addresses without intermediaries.
The implementation relies on Solidity contracts and libraries, including RaffleStorage for data management and interfaces like IRaffle and IAssetVault for operational functions. The contract utilizes OpenZeppelin's security and ownership modules to enhance safety and manage permissions. A notable aspect is the integration with API3's Airnode for random number generation, which selects winners based on blockchain-verified randomness. The contract's architecture supports multiple participants and manages assets through a combination of ERC-721 and ERC-20 token standards, facilitating a broad range of raffle configurations.
QuantumFair overarching goal is to be a source of community growth. For example, we aspire for communities to host raffles for their members to increase active participation, build awareness, promote education, and raise for public goods. We will partner with 2-4 communities monthly and help them launch community raffles.
There are two types of raffles: (1) Free Raffles and (2) Paid Raffles
(1) Free Raffles. Raffle owners can give participants free raffle tickets based on their minting an NFT from QuantumFair or NFT platform. We imagine this as retroactive participation, a potential reward for attending an X space as an example.
(2) Paid Raffles. Raffle owners can host raffles requiring their participants to pay to be part of a raffle. For example, raffle owners can charge 1USDT to participants. We imagine this scenario as a community raffling a special NFT that gives special rights of value or an engagement-type raffle.
QuantumFair History
accepted into dApps & Apps 10 months ago.