Regenerative RWA Marketplace w/Polycruz
average score over 1 application evaluations
This project focuses on aggregating and tokenizing regenerative real-world assets, providing a dashboard for monitoring, and integrating legal and data protection frameworks.

Regenerative Real World Assets Aggregator and Launchpad utilizing Polycruz Stack.

This proposal to bootstrap either the framework for ReRWA tokenization and the stage 1 of the Dashboard for RWA with Regenerative approach only.

Different from many of the RWA tokenizers, issuers and marketplaces focusing on metals, property, bonds, commodities. We focus on Regenerative RWA only. We aggregate the data of projects, asset types, work teams, regens, displaying the most solid projects in 1 dashboard.

Real World Entrepreneurships making a difference and building a strong economy with productive business models and real revenue. The list of projects we have are doing positive impact while actually scaling business.

We are on track to start the development of either forking an existing RWA framework from traditional finance assets or start the design of our own framework.


Flow Chart of Tokenization Journey

A Dashboard to monitor the aggregation of RWA from different APIs or directly from Issuers

Front-end according to the back end and/or smart contracts

Legal framework test net integration

ZK integration for asset ownership data protection

Referral marketplace (social finance inclusion)

RWA oracle implementation

Data points of asset price tickers and markets

We commit to deliver according to the contributions we receive.


Regenerative RWA Marketplace w/Polycruz History

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