$253.35 crowdfunded from 45 people
$131.66 received from matching pools
Ever heard of a robots.txt file?: Most people haven't, but it's something that's built into the fabric of the web as we know it. Almost every website today contains a special text file called robots.txt. A robots.txt file tells search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site. It's a nice and passive way to let someone know how they can and cannot use your information.
What if we could do the same and declare a DEFAULT LICENSE for our NFTs and other creations on web3? We wouldn't use a text file, but we could use smart contracts to make that happen.
What if there was a smart contract out there that acted as a giant registry of various NFTs and smart contracts, and what are we allowing any app on Web3 that stumbles across them to do or not do?
Robots is an experiment in making declarative licensing work on-chain and was created by Legato Labs.
accepted into Web3 Open Source Software Round 1 year ago. 45 people contributed $253 to the project, and $132 of match funding was provided.